Tuesday, September 1, 2009

on running in paradise

Inspiration for all posts See The Peak Performance Monkey

Who among you has failed to come through in the big race? And by “come through” I mean run the race you believe you are capable of when it really counts.

Hi coach,
I’m pretty much on track with my Phase I (base) training. I'm running at approx the same time every morning, alternating surfaces, becoming more confident and consistent with the hard/easy concept. I have to say, it's difficult to avoid the hills here in Sedona. Hope this won't sabotage the effort.
Big Question: Should I gradually increase my weekly long run during this Base Building phase?
Thanks again for the program. I'm pumped
Garry -
Great to hear from you! I hope you are enjoying Sedona - it's got to be one of the most beautiful places in the country. You are absolutely right on the hills though in the red rock area. It's virtually impossible to run any direction & not at least get a steady gradual up or downhill grade.

Your observation on the hils is quite intuitive. As far as the overall training program - NOT TO WORRY ...---- AS LONG AS :

1) You are insuring that you are STRETCHING your hip flexors & calf muscles a LOT more during your regular post run program. While gaining in strength (the feature of hill training that runners seem to dwell upon. There is a negative "side-effect". Hills tend to "shorten" muscle fibers of the legs. This leads to muscle tightness & reduced range of
motion and (in mot cases with people that do a LOT of hills) - INJURIES (specifically a) IT Band Syndrome, Patellar Tendonitis, Achilles Tendonitis and shin problems) and foster muscle imbalances by increasing the quad strength at the expense of the glutes (if not run correctly).
2) Make certain you use the "Flex + Roll & Push" technique I talk about in running downhill. Description: a) Upon foot impact; FLEX the knee to absorb the shock to the body then b) ROLL the body weight completely across the foot as your center of gravity travels forward then c) PUSH forward with the toe to "launch" the body forward to take advantage of the downhill & gravity.
NEVER "LOCK" the knee out on a downhill!
As far as the longer runs are concerned - GREAT & NO PROBLEM as long as you respect the 4 - 6 week cycle. Don't try to do too much to soon. If after 4 weeks of constant mileage & a set long run you feel confiden you can do more....add a couple miles or minutes. BUT..make certain you "come down" in the mileage after two weeks to allow your body to adapt & fully recover.
Just "BANK" the miles this summer - the GREAT RACING will be this fall.
Let's just focus on BASE BUILDING & STRENGTH. We will make the "withdrawal"...at the Phoenix 5k/10k & the best of the BIG RACES with
COMPETITION when it's really important. No need to "peak out" at the "Aunt Sylvia 5k Run Benefit & Horsefly Social" in July.........
Have a GREAT SUMMER- We miss you and you sense of humor!